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Business cards?
Do we still need them?

For some entrepreneursit seems to be a thing of the past. However... classic business cards still play an important role, anddespite the progressive digitization and the transfer of companies to the Internet, they are indispensable during a direct meeting with clients or contractors.

Just a few years ago, a business card was a thing that it would be hard to do without. It was used to exchange contact details and it performed an important representative function. In later years, some entrepreneurs stopped using them in favor of developing their websites and profiles on social networks.

However, it quickly turned out that it is virtually impossible to replace a traditional business cardcontaining the company name, telephone number and e-mail address with a more modern gadget that would play a similar role. That is why business cards are still used, although today they look and are exchanged a bit in a different way than they used to.

Modern-Day business card

Obviously, a modern-day business card still contains basic data about the company, but, in addition, it should be made in a refined graphic design that deliberately refers to the corporate identity of your company. Its distinctive, more and more frequently used feature is a QR code, which redirects the card’s recipient to your business website.

For the Company and the Employee

A carefully designed card with information about your company is handed out during business meetings, discussions with potential clients or during industry events. A business card may contain only some general details about the company and encourage people to use its offer, but it is also good if the employees have their individual cards. In this case, in addition to the company data, the card should contain the employee’s name, function, and direct contact details.

Handing a business card is still a synonym of professionalism and attention to detail. A company that can “identify” itself with such a gadget during the meeting will always be perceived and valued higher than the one whose employees or owner are not able to exchange company data in this traditional form.


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