Home / Business Implications of Poor Corporate Identity

Business implications
of poor corporate identity
You run a business - your products and services are flawless, you make an effort to develop customer relations, invest in new technologies, equipment and gather qualified staff, and yet there are no new orders? Perhaps you have not planned or implemented your marketing strategy well enough.
Painful (and expensive!) implications
Business implications of poor corporate identity can be detrimental to business owners. They have a direct impact on the poorer sales results and can hinder business development. They may also indirectly affect the negative perception of the brand. Poor visual communication can result in customers believing the company is not worth trusting. The failure of the company identity is a common problem of many companies, which are reluctant towards branding.
Vague messages resent customers
The most common mistakes made by companies include vague messages. In this case, the company is promoted with such catchphrases as “made in Poland” or “handcrafted”, yet after the package unboxing all we see is a “made in China” T-shirt. A good example of faulty visual communication was, among others, a famous problem of the Polish brand founded by a well-known blogger, who emphasized that its excellent quality products are sewn in Poland, while it has been far from being true.
Visual identification on bad terms
Poor corporate identity can involve many different aspects – poor packaging that does not meet the company’s offer and the product itself, disastrous design of promotional materials, such as leaflets or posters, as well as the development of an amateur website, social media campaigns that do not include important marketing and graphic tools etc.
Do it right!
Luckily, there are increasingly more examples of business owners seeing the advantages and threats of poor corporate identity. A growing number of companies are implementing well-thought-out, consistent and interesting projects that correspond to the profile of the company and the values it represents. Companies also consider the target group they address and create tailor-made content. Here a small remark – corporate identity must address a specific group of recipients, but it should not be hermetic, as it may deter those who would be willing to use our services.